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Bramley Apple Fizz

This is our version of a Bramble cocktail – the Bramley Apple Fizz! A fun and delicious cocktail following the trend of pink drinks and pink gin.

This cocktail uses:

Thatchers Haze

  • 25ml Pink Gin
  • 15ml Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 15ml Sugar Syrup
  • 100ml Thatchers Haze
  • Fresh Fruit: Raspberries or blackberries work best!

Don’t forget you can size up to a pitcher!

  1. Mix the pink gin, lemon juice and sugar syrup into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake.
  2. Strain into a glass filled with cubed ice and top with 100ml of Thatchers Haze.
  3. Top with crushed ice, and garnish with raspberries or blackberries.


  • 1.5 Parts Pink gin
  • 1 Part Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 1 Part Sugar Syrup
  • 4 Parts Thatchers Haze

*ingredients can be sized to any sized pitcher using the above ratios.


  1. Mix the pink gin, lemon juice and sugar syrup into a pitcher filled with cubed ice.
  2. Pour 4 parts Thatchers Haze into the pitcher.
  3. Serve into a tumbler or half pint glass filled with cubed ice, and garnish with raspberries of blackberries.