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This Year’s Open Day

A date for your diary.

If you’re interested in finding out how Somerset Cider is made, then this is your chance to see behind the scenes here at Thatchers Cider in Sandford. We will be opening our doors to visitors on Saturday September 12th 2015 for a day packed full of tours and activities for the whole family.

The Open Day starts at 11.00 am and will finish at 3.00 pm at Myrtle Farm, Sandford.

There will be guided tours of the cider mill including our new Thatchers Jubilee Building; tractor tours of the apple orchards; cider tastings; hand pressing of apple juice with the Forgotten Fruit project; as well as entertainment from the Mendip Morris Men, and plenty of music. There will be face-painting and children’s activities; and well as a number of other craft stalls, refreshments and displays.

The day is a free entry event.

We will post any additional information and updates about the Open Day on this website and on social media.


For further information contact:

Penny Adair, Tel: 0117 9040173

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